Okay.. I'm the worst mom.... I haven't updated Flecky's blog in almost a year!!!
But, today we got snow! And Flecky had fun :)
Okay.. I'm the worst mom.... I haven't updated Flecky's blog in almost a year!!!
But, today we got snow! And Flecky had fun :)
Poor Flecky doodle! He seems to be feeling great and was even playing with the girls. (Which hurts my feelings for Dan a little bit.... all those years and he hardly ever played with Dan!). He's a ladies man!
But then today when I got home I found him like this!!! At first I thought it was a snake bite, but then after closer investigation, I think he just got kicked in the booper! It looks like it caught the edge of his nostril. He's all swollen and ouchy. Poor guy! I gave him Banamine and called Dr. Barrow, but we decided to just watch it.
He was grazing and ate his dinner and hay, so... fingers crossed he's not worse later tonight at bed check.
Goodbye 2022
Grateful that Flecky's still around for snuggles...
18 year anniversary
New Years Eve