So today I had sort of a rotten morning.... just a bad fight with Mike. So... I felt the need for speed... I needed a good gallop for my heart and soul. And fleck said "SURE THING!!!". :) It was just what I needed!!

We went to Ashland and met Hannah and Grace Face. We started off with a nice trail ride and met up with Missy and Marty! It's so cute cause Fleck knows Zhar now and he's his little buddy. So we went on the trails and decided we would all canter up the hill. Fleck and I led and in the path was this little twig of a stick... but it was across our path. So I yelled back, JUMP, and... we jumped... And everyone followed suit. It was great. It was Marty's first jump and she did awesome. So then we took Marty and Missy home and Hannah and I continued on. We decided to do a little gallop in the field behind Halfshire and Fleck took off!!! He did not want Grace to win so he kicked it up a gear. He was flying!!!! So then we managed to slow them back down to a walk and walked/jigged back to the lake. Hee hee. They actually settled down quickly and we had a nice trail ride. Then Hannah wanted to jump XC so we went back in the field and had fun. They had a great school and Fleck was upset he was just standing around, so I let him have a few more gallops and then we hopped over the hanging log once or twice, then the ditch to trakenher once, and then we played on the "alle oop"!. It was the big rolltops on an arc with a bowl in the middle. So you jumped over the first roll top, went down the bowl, up out of the bowl to the second roll top. It was fun :)

Then we splashed through the water (for pictures!) and I guess it was cold on his belly cause as we came out, Fleck let out a little buck! Wheee!
Then we went to lake and soaked his knees for 20 minutes. Then we headed home. But it was a great day!!! Lots of fun and it made me happy that Fleck felt so good that I had to hold him back and reel him in!! We'll see how he feels tomorrow! But since we have two days of dressage, I figured a little rebellion today was justified :)
ahhhh.... ponies... so good for the soul!