Brace yourselves.. it's gonna be a long one :)
I was smiling because I knew he'd be mine one day!! Karen let me ride him because Roany was lame.

And then he was!! October 17th, 2004. I convinced Karen to let me buy him and convinced Mike to buy him for me (even though I hadn't graduated yet) and there was a stall opening up right next to Roany, so... YAY!
Our first day together. We rode and then I hauled him to Morning Run.
A week after buying him, I hauled him back to Karen's for her Trick or Trot horse show. I remember that her friends were like "how could you have sold him for that little?!" and then saw my test and were like "Oh... how'd you get that much for him?!" ha ha. I needed to learn how to ride him. Poor guy.... Poor Karen. But not poor me. I was having a blast regardless! This was also the test that Dad came to watch.. and pulled up and proceeded to yell "Holly... Hi... HI HOLLY"! during my test. And then the car alarm went off.
We had a blast hanging with our Morning Run friends. :)
Karen put on a "meters per minute pacing clinic" and Fleck and I joined in. Hee hee. We joined in the novice group and Karen sent us on a track around the field and told us to aim for novice speed. Well.... we started off and decided we would go for prelim speed... because we could!! Hee hee. The wind was blowing my helmet off my head just about. We both came in smiling...WAY faster than novice speed. Karen told us to go again and try harder. Ha! It didn't work.
Our first XC school at Pine Top Farm. I remember it being fun!
And schooling at Diamond M.
Then we moved to our own farm... Sweet Spot Farm!
Ashland's show and then.... Trick or Trot again.

Another Christmas, this time with props!
We did a good bit of showing this year. He was such a good boy. Then we went to Pine Top for a recognized show. Our first!! It did not go so well. :) But we went back shortly after for their schooling show and did fantastic! We even participated in the cattle drive and Fleck was a good boy. He was a little freaked out at first but in a little bit he was even nosing the little calf along. It was so fun!
See... it was fate!! I knew we were meant to be together!
Another Trick or Trot.... this poor boy puts up with so much!
More showing with a fun crew. Big Bear was soooo cold! But we won it!! Although this might have been the show that he cross cantered or counter cantered the entire stadium round. Doh! Such a saint for putting up with me.
We moved up to first level at schooling shows. And did Big Bear again... this time recognized. And this time we got 2nd.
We did FENCE too and got a pretty third place ribbon.
We qualified for Area 3 Championships so we went. And got 5th place!!! Out of like 40 people I think!! And we won a halter and a bag of treats. It was 106 degrees in the shade when we ran XC, but I warmed him up smart and he was happy and game.
We somehow qualified for the American Eventing Championships at Novice. Even though it was n Illinois, we went! Because who knows if we'd ever qualify again. :) It was quite the experience though and I'm glad we went. We were 49th out of 50 or something when it was all said and done (horrid dressage, clean stadium, and clean but fast XC), but as I told people... Top 50 in the Nation!! ;)
These stalls were scary! Caitlin (the girl we went with) found one horse with his foot stuck in the bars! Scaryness... so glad Fleck did well with it.
Speeding tickets but it was worth it!!! So much fun!!!
And I'm so glad these ladies came to join me. What a fun surprise!!!
And then this year was Turkey Trot instead of Trick or Trot. :) Making progress though!
And then we moved up to Training Level. We did our move up at Jumping Branch, and we won!!!