So... real quick, because I do need to do my riding reminder.... It's about training.... I need to teach Fleck how to react like I want him to. And to do that, I need to explain it to him in ways he understands. Almost like he's a baby horse. Because in some ways, he is. He and I need to go back to basics in some aspects and fix some holes. So.... today, I didn't react... I taught! If Flecky hollowed... I just really rode the inside leg to outside hand and waited him out. And he did learn!! We were able to do that at the trot and even progress to the canter. :) :) Sure.. it sounds stupid.. and it's a little embarassing, but.. hey, whatever. So.. basically I used circles to get him to soften because the reason he was bracing or leaning was because he's not bending around my inside leg. So I would circle him (but with an indirect rein.... like a baby horse) until he gave that rib cage up. Whichever side he was locked on.. I would turn him that way. So then at the canter.... we got a nice lovely soft BACK UP canter :) Yay.. then to work on the canter to walk.... no reins (as in, I wasn't allowed to use them... all core and seat!), ask for the walk with my seat and core... and if he trots... DON'T PULL THE REINS, but instead Turn him to the outside. Gently, and without reacting.... just an outside turn via direct rein until he walks. Then we calmly carry on. :) And you know what... Flecky figured it out pretty quickly. And yes.. it sounds like I just yank on him, but... it's really not that bad! I promise!! But I do need to react by teaching, not just resorting to pulling.
Okay.. back to the love!
So.... yes... man I love that horse!! He just makes me giggle.... The way his lips wiggle, the way he licks everything... including my jacket, my hands, even my toes that one time! The way his muzzle wrinkles when he's mad or unhappy. The way he's such a princess for the farrier and will hold his foot up if he's unhappy with how a nail is placed. The way he will never ever bite you even if you feed him a treat and hold onto it while he tries to eat it. The way he's TRIES HIS HEART OUT no matter what I ask of him. The way he's brave and sets out on trails, just the two of us, but will also tolerate his little buddy tagging along. The way he uses his horsey friend Sham's butt to rub his itchy head on. Even the way he rubs his itchy head on me and almost knocks me over. The way he tries to hide occasionally when I go to load him up, but once caught, sighs and then loads right up for the next adventure. His cute little neigh at dinnertime. How he turns and sticks his big ol' butt in my face for scratching. How he lets me (and enjoys it!) stick my fingers in his ears and scratch them. How excited he gets foxhunting, yet doesn't care when I put my three nephews on him at once and make him give pony rides. How he shows off how he can open and close the stall door and makes sure I'm watching. How he waits for me outside the back door when he knows I'm up. How a peppermint wrapper crinkle can stop him dead in his tracks. How he forgives all my mistakes and just tries harder to please me. How he trips and scares himself... like someone tripped him. How he's never tried to get me off (though he has gotten me off.. just never really on purpose). I love his little light brown spot on his side and his big silver dollar spot just under his jowl. How he tolerates his little brother and although he pretends otherwise, he loves his Roany. How he's got his own fan club. And the nicknames he's been given - The Mighty Fleck... Spotty... Princess.... Flickers.... The Happy Appy.... And so much more.... He is just Awesome... plain and simple. Just plain ol' awesome

photo credits to The Mighty Mark of Hoofclix
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