So... We also saw the animal commmunicator during his vacation. I won't get too much into the details about the animal communicator because... well, it's personal. And despite that fact that I am pretty sure this blog is only read by me... its' personal. But basically she told me what I already know/knew.
That Fleck is an amazing, wonderful, generous horse. Basically she said that I was incredibly lucky to have him because he was a healer. And you don't find many horses like that. He WANTS to help heal me and make me happy. But of course I knew that. She did say that he likes my laugh and he adores me. He wants me and only me to ride him and it is favorite thing to have me riding him. The bad news is that she said he was hurting but that he was afraid I'd stop riding and get rid of him if he didn't keep going, so he didn't want me to know. So yep... I've pretty much always said (minus my small bout of loss of faith... for which I feel HORRIBLE about!) that he does whatever I ask, or at least tries. No matter what... I really am a lucky girl! But again, I already knew that. :)
So.. he's still on vacation and he has an appointment to be worked up next week, then his appointment with Stan, then his appointment with Kathryn. I'm doing everything I can to make him happy and comfy again so we can keep riding and having fun together. And I made darn sure I told him that he was stuck with me forever and there was no way he'll ever be replaced. Even if all we do is hang out or just trail ride. But I'm hoping that's not the case!
I did hop on him yesterday because he seemed sad and grumpy since he hadn't been worked in a bit and he's got an appt Wed and I sorta wanted to make sure he was a bit ouchy. Because I'd hate for him to feel better and not be able to find what was bothering him! So we did about 40 minutes of hacking. Nothing too crazy, just walk/trot/canter. He was better than before but still a bit behind my leg. So then I decided to try him without my saddle. I took it off and just about then the deer spooked him. So, I got back on without the saddle but he was still on edge from the deer and a bit spooky. Great.. I couldn't tell if he was happier and more forward because of the deer or the lack of saddle. But he was definitely more in front of my leg and seemed happier.
I'm going to feel way stupid if it's the darn jump saddle... after all the stress, tears, frustrations, etc... It was checked in January though! And deemed A-OK. Although afterwards I did start to think it was getting to low on him while I was riding... and then it sorta seemed to fit with all his symptoms... I just didn't put two and two together. BUT.. maybe it's more than that... I'm sure there's more to it than that, but it would almost be awesome if that was the main problem... I can fix that! Yes, I love that saddle, but I'd much rather replace it then worry about him and how to keep him comfy.
So... we'll see. I plan to ride bareback the next few rides and see what happens. And then he'll have his week of Spa treatment... or something.. ;) Vet, Vet, Farrier, Chiro, bodyworker. :)
Fingers crossed I can make him happy again!
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