So magical.. that Fleck turned into a Unicorn!!
We met our friends Missy and her gorgeous black Arabian Zhar and started off. We had a lovely hand gallop through the open fields and some nice leisurely trail riding. Then we hit a patch of trail in the woods and had a nice canter down the wandering path. And suddenly our way was led by a big horned owl! It was amazing! We went past the pavillion, which always seems like a magical place to me... and it didn't disappoint. We hit it just as the sun was sinking and creating my favorite time of day... sideways sun! It was beautiful.
We then went to the lake and had a nice wade. Fleck still won't swim despite my repeated attempts to get him in farther. But he was having fun blowing bubbles! I don't know why, but he loves putting his whole nose in and splashing around. We finally decided to leave and I turned Fleck out. He walked up a little closer to shore and then stopped to paw again. He likes to splash so I didn't think too much of it. Although in my brain, I was thinking "he's kinda acting like he wants to roll... but Fleck doesn't roll"... Then suddenly he was buckling his knees. Still I'm thinking "really??? Fleck doesn't roll!". Splash... down we went. Goober!!! I guess I did want to get wet, but jeesh! So then we got up and got back on and carried on our way.

This was Fleck saying "Hey Zhar... check this what I'm about to do to Mom"!
Success!!! muhauhauaaaa
We ended our ride back at Halfshire Farm where Zhar lives and the sun was so pretty we had to take a quick photo shoot in the field. Then we had a quick romp around a few fences still set up. I was quite proud that we hopped on over the swedish oxer with no problems. That tends to get us.
(we only walked into the field for a quick photo shoot, then back out the path we came in on! These are the hay fields)
So a quick rinse off, a little graze, ice boots on his knees, and back home we headed... basking in the glow of the magical day!
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