Yep... that about sums it up. :)
What a great way to spend the day after working four 14 hour overnight shifts. I was exhausted but luckily some friends were heading out to ride so I was motivated to ride first. Plus the fencing I had planned to do was suddenly a MUCH bigger job than I was capable of doing, so... whoo hoo! And it was GORGEOUS out... I started my equestrian tan already.... white hands, red arms and red neck. ;)
So... I got to Ashland before anyone else so Fleck and I bonded, groomed, grazed and played. Then I tacked up and took him into the ring while waiting on two friends. He was happy enough to go around and wasn't lame or off.. but just felt the teensiest bit short somewhere. So.. I texted Christina and told her we were coming over after our ride. Poor girl.... I abuse that BFF thing way too much.

Anyways... Robin, Alex and I headed out. We did the hilly trails, then went into the woods and were having a great time. We saw four deer go bounding by too but the horses all behaved. Then we met Missy by the Halfshire field. Fleck was so happy to see Zhar again! He really likes that little guy. So then we hit the big field on the backside of Halfshire and we all split up and did a little trotting around. Everyone was behaving so we took turns having a little gallop. I let Fleck pick his pace and he wanted to go, so we went. Then we took another lap with Zhar and Fleck really let it rip! So then we headed out on the trails again and enjoyed the chatting and the sunshine. Missy and I wanted to head to the lake but Ike likes to roll, so Robin and Alex headed off separately. At the lake we ran into Kelli and Hannah and hung out there chatting for a good 20 minutes while I soaked Fleck's knees. He and Zhar had fun hanging out and splashing some. Then Missy had to leave and head back so Fleck and I finished our ride with Kelli and Hannah. Fleck sooooo wanted to turn back and go with Zhar. Poor guy.. he really likes him.. Him and Sham are his two BFFs.. and Sunny too! Though he does get along with Arwyn also.
So it was a great day! It was soul refreshing to get to hang out with friends and chat and catch up and sooooo good to get a little gallop in. Ahhhhhh...
Then I went to Christinas and Fleck looked pretty darn good but did flex a little positive on his right knee. So... it does seem that the IRAP has finally worn off. We debated what to do and decided to surpass and firocoxib and do another round of IRAP after FENCE. However, once I got home.... I decided that perhaps we should just go ahead and inject his knees with HA and that way... he's at least comfy for FENCE and then later I can do the IRAP. I just don't want him hurting for FENCE yet I really really really want to do FENCE. I've been gearing up and planning on this show .... well, since I realized he still wanted to event and felt good enough to be able to. I figure that I'll inject his knees now, then do the IRAP after and see how he feels. If we have to retire after FENCE and just do trails... that's okay. If I get to FENCE and he's hurting... we'll retire before. So... fingers crossed he feels better and we can keep playing. He just enjoys it soooooo much. He's not a happy retiree... Even tonight when I was working with Dan on the long lines, he was following me around, giving me sad puppy dog eyes.... "why aren't you playing with ME"!?!!
So... fingers crossed he feels better. Or... amazing!!! He doesn't feel bad yet... but I don't want him to get there again. And fingers crossed he feels well enough to rock and roll at FENCE... for totally selfish reasons. :)
I love my biggie.... :)
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