But today... today I couldn't stand it. And I thought that if perhaps we took a nice easy walk through Ashland he would stretch out of it?? Turns out, I was right! Yay! I'm so glad we went because it was awesome. I so needed that.
I ended up riding bareback because I was running out of daylight and time and figured I'd just be walking anyways. We started out in the cross country fields and caught the sunset. Then we headed to the woods and enjoyed our trek. Towards the end the horse flies got bad but by this point Fleck was moving out much more smoothly so we did some trotting. And he was sound! Yay. I was giggling because we headed into a darker section of woods and it was kind of scary. I felt like Belle on Phillipe in Beauty and the Beast, when she's riding into the dark and scary woods. Hee hee.. And like a true Disney movie... Fleck delivered me safe and sound to the other side, back into the sunshine! And as we hit the open field again, a buck and two does bounded off. And there were lightning bugs flitting around. And then the moon rose...
Disney in real life! Which is perfectly fitting... as we are both Princesses. ;)
But really... it was a wonderful night. I had fun just hanging out with Fleck. I was laughing at him because he was having trouble with one persistent horse fly and I told him that he could do whatever he wanted to in order to get it off. He could buck if he needed. Ha ha.. I swear, we both started laughing and then he bobbed his head up and down like "Good one Mom!". hee hee...
Of course then... 20 seconds later we were surprised by the deer. He scooted... still no bucking. :)
Man I love that horse!
Love bonding time with my pony!! :)
ReplyDeleteRiding at dusk sounds like fun.