I took Fleck out to help soothe my soul. The weather was odd. It had rained pretty hard the night before so the dressage arena's were pretty wet. I didn't have much time, so we ended up doing a quick dressage ride in the upper arena and then a super quick cool down at the edge of the XC field to cool off. The sun was out and it was hot, but the wind was brutal and there were serious storm clouds brewing. We had a good ride. I worked on what Sandy had showed us in our lesson. And I rode most of the ride with a driving rein on the left. I thought it might help retrain my body not to grab and hold that left rein. I think it helped! Fleck was really nice. And our leg yields were pretty decent. IF I made sure to keep him supple and round before we started. When he wasn't really "on the bit", our leg yields were sloppy and rushed. But if I made sure he was truly deep and round, they were lovely! So ... must remember that for this weekend.
We finished and the clouds were cool so I was trying to get a "Mighty Warrior" type photo. Fleck was clearly not in the mood and was going for "Super goober". But he made me giggle despite the morning, so... I love him!

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