After work I came home and took both boys to Ashland. I rode Dan first and he was pretty good. Then I ran into Kelli and Peri as they finished their trail ride. So I got off Dan and got Fleck. Well, since Arwyn and Tess were there in the parking lot, and Danny was in the trailer, Fleck was MAD! He couldn't concentrate on riding and was all giraffe mode and trucking! So I decided to take him out in the field first. Well.. he was on a mission! It was a full solid 30 minutes of power trotting and cantering and being on the look out. So I let him. Fine, it'll be a fitness day instead. Despite the fact that I was in the dressage saddle. ;)
So we finally got back to the dressage rings and Fleck semi settled down. I was able to get a decent run through of the test in as well as warm up.
After that I grabbed Dan and ponied him to the lake so they could both play. And play they did! Fleck even got in deep enough that the water went halfway up my calves! It was great. I think all three of us needed it!
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