Missy and I had another amazing trip! We went back to Camelot Farms at St. Helena Island for our beach trip. We missed this place! It's just so peaceful and soul soothing. The boys hauled great and we got settled right in to our double wide and double paddock. The first day we got there a bit late so we just got the boys unloaded and went and got our trail passes and went for dinner. I wanted oysters but the Oyster house was out. :( So I had crab legs. Yum!
The second day we got up and fed the boys and went and visited Taylor at her barn. It's a nice place, just down the road. So then we went for a hack down Coffin Point Road. Such a pretty place. We didn't go all the way to the beach, but just went for a short hack while we waited for the tide to go back out at Hunting Island.

After a lunch break and a snack break for the ponies we loaded them up and headed to the beach. Yay!!! The ponies were a bit silly with the waves again but not as bad as the first time. We had fun riding and taking photos. Then after getting the boys settled we went out for more yummy seafood. We had an awesome dinner at Dockside. Their she crab soup is as good as the Optimist!! Yummy!!! And the oysters weren't bad either. Then Missy and I split some really yummy fish and grits.

Beach Cam!
The next day we got up early for sunrise and took photos on the beach with the boys. We even got brave and took their halters off and got "wild and free" photos! It was amazing! The dolphins were out too. We saw so many! It was so amazing!!!
Yep... that's a dolphin splashing in the waves!! I just caught him as we was diving back under.

Then the beaufortpics guy on Facebook saw us out there and took our picture and put it on his facebook site. :) We're famous!!

After our amazing morning we headed back home and dropped the boys off for a snack. Then we headed to the Shrimp Shack and ate shrimp burgers! Oh my goodness!!! Amazing!! They were so delicious. We headed back out to the beach again for our photo shoot with Theo. Missy loaned me a dress that Marty had worn to a wedding so I got to be fancy! And we were bareback the whole time so Fleck and I had fun playing around and being goofy while Missy was getting her pictures done. It was a great day! We did lots of riding to get to the driftwood again for pictures.

After all of our "modeling" we were hungry!! We had a great dinner at another restaurant... Frog something or other. The oysters here were the best yet! And then that night it was the last of the meteor showers for the year. So we drove out to the pier on the marsh and sat in the back of the truck and watched the meteor shower. It was amazing!! The stars were so beautiful and we must have seen about 30 shooting stars, some even with tails. Truly an amazing and epic day! One I will remember always!
We opted to get up early on our last day so we could enjoy the beach again. What a fun morning. We got some beautiful sunrise photos and then had a blast riding on the beach. We went down to the driftwood again and jumped some of it. And then we did some beach gallops. Just a fun fun day playing on the beach!

Beach Galloping!

It was truly another amazing trip with my amazing partner/friend/soulmate. We had so much fun and I can't wait to do it again.
Those are amazing photos! WOW~ Looks like an awesome trip!! ;-)