Okay, so I may not commit to completely be stirrup free... I am riding a rowdy 4 year old and I don't know that I'm willing to go without stirrups for all of my lessons and I can't for shows. But... I will do it some. :)

Today has been a crap week. It's been raining for the past 7 days at least, it seems. My barn is flooding, the pasture is slop, the hay is molding, my tack is molding, and I can't seem to squeeze in any rides. I was getting VERY grumpy. Yesterday and today I worked for Dr. Miller and saw a total of 1 patient... in a full day and a half. And I've been lasering and driving around non-stop, so with that... the barn mess, the lack of sunshine, and most importantly, the lack of pony time... I'm NOT in a good mood. And then Mike and I got into an argument last night about cleaning out the garage. So I wasn't sure I was going to get to ride today. But I did. I came home from work and we spent 1.5 hours on the garage. Then I had just enough time to do a quick ride on both boys.
Totally fixed my mood! Ahhhhhh.....
I rode Dan first and then when I put my saddle on Fleck, I pulled my stirrups off. :)
So off we went. I was running out of daylight so I only managed a 50 minute ride and only 3 miles, but... it was a ride. And it was nice. We mostly walked because of the footing but I did manage to find some places to trot and canter some. I even posted 250 trot posts. :) We finished at sunset, but with the clouds, there was no view.
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