Then today We went for another hack... Two in a row!!!Fleck has been getting naughty!!!
But it makes my heart smile!

We were chatting with some friends in the XC field and when we went to leave, Fleck stuck his head down and started crow hopping. Hee hee. Goober!
We had fun though. He's actually starting to feel pretty decent in the trot. The right lead canter is still terrible, but... the left lead isn't bad. :)

Ahhhhh.... I so love him. He brings me peace. I'm very grateful that we can still do this. It's not the same... and I still worry that I'm not showing him as much love as I did when we were competing and riding all the time. But I am very grateful. God knows what he's doing. It's a relief to not have to worry anymore about really breaking him, or even worse, losing him. And I really am enjoying just enjoying his company. He's gotten naughty for sure. ;) But it makes me happy that he's feeling good enough to be "naughty".
:) This was a good weekend!