Oh, how I love him though! It's not even a big deal that now that he's "retired" he has started being naughty. :)
We rode bareback today because it was so hot and because we can. I LOVE my new bareback pad. :) It's so comfy. Fleck is finally starting to slim back down again too. :) We went for a hack with Peri and walked a good bit. Fleck was bouncy. Like... pogo-y bouncy. Hee hee. And spooky! He kept bouncing and spinning and looking. :) But we had fun.

We did a little trotting and cantering and then went to the lake to splash. Peri let Roux play too and they had fun splashing. I was just about to comment about how Roux was being good and not rolling and down Fleck went. Hee hee. It was so slow motion that I probably could have pulled him up, but he had already tipped, so... down we went. Luckily I had pulled my tall boots off and was only wearing my fat babies. They were so soaked though...
Fun day. I love him so. He restores my soul!
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