So we started off and hit the woods. We were doing okay and then we hit the creek. Sunny decided he needed some ....persuasion. :) He was a good boy and Liz and I didn't mind hanging out. I told Peri she may have to return the favor with Dan at some point. So... while we were chilling and letting Sunny figure it out on his own, Fleck and Swing started being silly. Well, maybe just Fleck at this point. First there was a bug... and he was all intent on staring it down. Hee hee.. He followed it for about 3 minutes before it buzzed off. Then he decided his head was itchy, so he started rubbing it on this nice patch of moss... and eroded half of the ledge. Dingbat!! He had clumps of dirt wedged in his bridle and around the buckles. Goofy...

So then Sunny went over and we carried on. We had a few more creek crossings and Sunny got better each time. Then we went to the lake. Fleck went in a bit deeper than normal and Swing got in too. They were both splashing around. Well, then Sunny walked in. Peri thought he would just go in to his knees, like the others. NOPE!!! Surprise... Sunny just marched right in and went for a swim!! Ha ha... Poor Peri got soaked up to her armpits and Sunny was having a blast. Hee hee... So she got him back on dry land and they hung out up there for a bit while Liz and I tried to get our ponies in deeper.
So...then Fleck was pawing and splashing and did that thing where he splashes with his nose. And then both Liz and I watched as he quit splashing, looked right at Swing and then aimed a huge splash right at her. It totally smacked her in the face and drenched her. Hee hee... We were both like "Seriously?! Did he just do that'!?". hee hee... Poor Swing. Then Swing decided she was going to take a nice roll... hee hee.. She got down to her knees but Liz was quick and got her back up. Hee hee.... I couldn't stop giggling at this point.
So then we carried on and headed up back to the trailers. We untacked and hosed the ponies off and chatted while the ponies grazed. A GREAT day with GREAT friends.....
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