Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Farewell to good friends

Both Fleck and I had to say good-bye to dear friends this weekend. My BFF Christine and Fleck's BFF Sham are moving up North. We will miss them dearly. We bon voyaged them with a surprise going away party and then a final gallop and trot race. We're going to miss them. 

It was a fun two trail rides though. We had a good time on the trails and finished off with a fun gallop together. (Fleck won! - hee hee... I think Sham always lets him win though). Then we did a teensy bit of jumping and Christina even got over the helsinki jump, which was one of her Summer goals. Yay! It was beautiful. 

1 comment:

  1. It's sad to hear that they are leaving but I'm happy you guys had such a good time together!
