Friday, November 23, 2012

Another good lesson

I really like it when my dressage lessons get scheduled back to back. Because of my work schedule I can't do every Tuesday, so... I tend to do two one week, then none the next week... When my two get back to back... it's oh so helpful! 

We started off so much better today than we used to. We got the big trot with long strides much quicker into the ride rather than me posting super fast and Fleck being quick and short. Yay for us! It was a good ride. We worked on keeping his hips underneath him by me keeping my hips and thighs going forward. Then with the trot lengthen... I could feel it building and just allowed it to happen. Much better than forcing it or chasing it :) I was able to just allow him to go bolder and bigger and... until he tripped... hee hee... it was lovely! We also had some great work in the canter. Cindy had me leg yield him away from the wall while cantering. Similar concept to counter flexing.... It sets him upright and makes him load that inside hind leg. Such a lovely canter we had after that :) 

I also need to work on my canter to walk transitions. Cindy wants me to do it without using my hands.. and I get that, but still can't figure out how to make it happen. However, If I think about changing the bend just a little... it helps. 

I also had an epiphany in the stretchy trot... He really tries to fling himself to the outside of the circle and.. without reins.. it's hard to keep him on the path I want. It's obvious that I hold him with the outside rein while we are much more connected, but... I was able to hold him with my outside leg and thigh while stretching.. it just took a LOT!! But... I can use that to my advantage while we aren't stretching and try to keep him in line with my leg and not just my hand. 

So yep... a good ride. I just need to remember to keep asking for that... all the time... every time.... :) 

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