Sunday, May 19, 2013

Scaring the hunter/jumper/equitation trainer :)

Finally!!! A pony club meeting that we didn't get rained out of... oh wait.. it rained... and thundered... and there was lightning. ;) But that's okay... We're pony club tough. ;)

We had a lesson with Alexandria O'Toole, a hunter/jumper/equitation coach. Our lesson was early enough that it wasn't raining yet but it was threatening. I got stuck in the mud as soon as I pulled up. Oops!! How embarassing. Off to a great start ;) It didn't help that Fleck was filthy after staying out in the storm all night. Anyways... I tied Fleck to the trailer and started grooming. They had a wood pile burning and Fleck was FREAKING out!! Seriously?!? It's fire.. you've seen it before! But he was all jittery and spazzy. So we tacked up and got on. And their neighbor drove their golf cart through the woods on the fence line. HORRORS!! Fleck was so very giraffey and on edge. Great... ;)

But once we started to work he did pretty well and settled down. I told Alexandria that our issues were that when I didn't see a spot... I abandoned him and he quit at the big jumps. Also my equitation was sucky. I really liked her. She had us do fun courses, jumper courses! And she was helpful. Basically she said the same things that Beth says.. Don't let him lengthen his stride coming out of the corners but keep the energy up. But she also mentioned counting. She said it helps you see your distance. I don't know if I had the right stridings the time I did count or if the counting really helped, but the times I counted... it was spot on. :) Yay!! We did have a few stops.. .and it was the fences where I couldn't tell fro a stride or two back if we needed to add or go for it. And did nothing. When I asked either way, Fleck obliged. 

(You can see the fire in the background that was freaking him out!)

But we finished decently. It was a fun day :) The unmounted pony club meeting was with Alexandria's husband (I assumed) who is a personal trainer. He had us doing lunges down the aisle way. He said it would help our core and it would also help my spare tire. :) Yay!!! So lunging for me!! I can tell my legs are going to be burning tomorrow. Didn't quite feel it in my core, but I may need to do more. He said at least 20 because we don't want to bulk up. And do it three times a week and build up to about 80. :) So... we'll see how long I keep it up. ;)



  1. Counting strides really helps me sometimes, especially practicing adjustability -- it's amazing how little you really need to do to add a stride or take one out of a line -- yet how hard it can be sometimes!

  2. man your pony is cute!!! Looking great in those pics and it sounds like a great lesson! :)

  3. Counting is the only way I can see a distance, I swear.
